Announcing The New Website
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!
Our new website provides our existing and prospective clients a simple yet interactive view of our work and the services we offer.
I’m Amanda Garrett. I was born with the gifts of Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience. Eventually, I became submissive to my gifts and realized that I was truly gifted, rather than cursed, and knew I had to use my abilities to help others.
My services include House Cleansing and Blessing, Medium Readings, Reiki, Spiritual Advisor/Healing Sessions
I offer in-person Oracle Card Reading and Energy Healing sessions across Beaufort, Hilton Head Island, Savannah, Port Royal, Walterboro, Edisto Island, Ridgeland, South Carolina, Richmond Hill, Augusta, Georgia.
Online Psychic/ Spiritual Healing or Phone Consultation across the world.
I’m Amanda Garrett. I was born with the gifts of Clairvoyance, Claircognizance, Clairaudience, and Clairsentience. I knew I was different from an early age. Most people didn’t see what I saw, or knew half of what I spoke about when I would see things...
Author: Peacefully You W/ Amanda Garrett
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website!
Our new website provides our existing and prospective clients a simple yet interactive view of our work and the services we offer.
Author: Peacefully You W/ Amanda Garrett
We are currently revamping our website. Our new website will be interactive and mobile friendly!
Watch this space for updates. Just a few more weeks to go!
(REIKI) The first session will be a brief discussion about any concerns or ...